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Norton Juxta Kempsey CofE Primary School

Together, with the love and joy of God, we will discover, develop & maximise our unique potential.

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Trash to Treasure

In EYFS we set up provocations. Provocations are items or activities that inspire, create interest and foster a hunger to find out or try something new. Most provocations are themed to our topic, child's interest or to practise a skill.

Quite often parents see what we have provided and comment that they had things at home that they would have donated, had they known that they were needed. So, we are setting up a wish list. We are not asking anyone to go out and purchase anything but if you have any of the following at home, and you are willing to donate them, we can make very good use of them. The list will be updated regularly.

We are currently seeking items for our Christmas themed learning:



Plastic baubles/non breakable Christmas tree decorations

Candy canes (wrapped- but could be out of date as won't be eaten)

Unwanted Christmas Cards

Christmas wrapping paper/tags

Artificial Christmas Trees (will be left outside so old/unwanted ones are ideal)

Old/unwanted Christmas stockings/sacks



Also generally:

Bags of plain flour (could be out of date, as it won't be eaten)

Bags of salt (won't be eaten)

Corn flour (won't be eaten)

Baby oil

Dried cinnamon, ginger, star anise, cloves (won't be eaten)
