- Willow Class - 2020-2021
Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser
Letting our Butterflies Free!

The day we let our butterflies go!

Our Adventures and Learning with Minibeasts.
Summer 1 - Knowledge Organiser - Jack and the Beanstalk
Learning our Doubles and using them in our Maths Games
We had a fabulous 'Robot Day' to celebrate the official launch of Numbots today. Singing, dancing , stories, maths and craft.
Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser - Dragons, castles, princesses and knights.
Spring Term 1
Blended Learning at home and school.
RE - Learning about Easter - we'll soon be back!
Spring 1 - Blended Learning - We're going on a Dragon Hunt! Come back soon to read the story we are writing.
Building castles and identifying and naming 3d shapes.
Spring term 1 - Blended learning during lockdown. Repeated Patterns.
Lockdown Learning - Investigating and Exploring capacity!
Everyone at Lawns Nursing Home loved receiving their very own personalised card. Well done!

We dressed to express ourselves this 'Children's World Mental Health Week'. We also learnt more about our emotions and took time to squiggle draw which was great fun and relaxing!
We have been learning about habitats this half term.
Spring 1 - Knowledge Organiser
We continued our learning about Remembrance Day at home! There is such a lot of learning going on Seesaw, we really need to share it with everyone!
Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Celebrations and Special Occasions
Class Announcement!
Phonics Resources for Home Learning
We have loved joining in with the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Story. We have been making our own coconut balls and coconut trees!

Knowledge Organiser Autumn 1
What are knowledge organisers?
A knowledge organiser is a set of key facts or information that pupils need to know and be able to recall in order to master a unit or topic. Typically, an organiser fits onto a double sided A4 piece of paper.
How will a knowledge organiser help my child?
Knowledge organisers will be made available at the start of each unit to help them remember what they are learning and to help them to see the bigger learning journey in their subjects. Instead of forgetting previous learning, students will continually revisit and retrieve prior learning from their memories. The current knowledge organiser is always displayed in the classroom and referred to frequently. Previous knowledge organisers and examples of children's work are kept in an accessible scrapbook that the children can look back at during the year. At the end of the unit the knowledge organiser is used as the basis of a fun quiz to ascertain how much we know, that we didn't know before.
How will a knowledge organiser help me to help my child?
Many parents/carers ask us how they can help to support their children at home. Many are worried that they do not have all of the subject specific knowledge to be able to help their children. The knowledge organiser highlights key terms and knowledge that will be taught at school, which you can talk about at home. Please feel free to upload any evidence to Seesaw (photo's, recordings etc) that show whether your child is demonstrating this knowledge at home too.
Welcome to Willow Class 2021-2022 - Induction Information
My name is Mrs Marshall and I am going to be your Reception Class teacher in September.
It's all very strange and I wish that we could meet but at the moment we will get to know each other better 'virtually'.
Pop back to this page for updates about Willow Class 2020.
Timetable of virtual events
Additional support, guidance and resources concerning toileting and speech nd language issues can be found on our 'useful links' page.
Follow the link below.
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Monday 29th June 2020 - Marvellous Me!
This week you will receive a special package in the post. Just for you! Inside the envelope there will be a very special bag and an activity book. This is your 'Marvellous Me' bag. We would like you to put your name on it (written or spelt out using stickers etc) and decorate it with anything you like. Just like you, your bag will be unique and unlike anyone else's. When you have decorated it please fill it with some items that you would like to share with us in the first half term of reception class. Often people pop in photograph's of their family, information about favourite places, a toy they would like to show, a favourite storybook, a badge, medal or certificate for any achievements, a drawing they have done, something they have made. This is not a checklist, it really is up to you what you decide to include. You can put in as much or little as you like - but it must be able to fit in the bag. You will then bring this in with you when you start in September. You will be able to show a friend, teacher, small group or the whole class dependent upon how confident you are feeling. We can't wait to find out more about you. Parents: This is a fantastic activity as the bag contains things your child treasures. These are the things they are most likely to feel confident and animated talking about. It is a great icebreaker and a great way to share information with others. We average 1 or 2 a day so it can take 4 weeks to ensure everyone has their turn. BUT everyone will get a turn. Bags and contents will be stored safely and taken home after they have been shared. Last year, every child put a photo of themselves with their family in the bag. This enabled us to make a lovely display, in the home corner, that children could go to - and see a familiar face. It would be great if you were able to do the same thing. We will of course return the photos once the display is taken down.