Home Learning
Continuation of Learning Plan Autumn 2021
Norton Juxta Kempsey CE Primary School
Remote Learning Plan
In the event of your child having to self-isolate due to COVID-19, we have put together a plan of how we will teach the children in two different scenarios: One where your child is self-isolating and secondly, when the class bubble or school has to close down.
What if my child is self-isolating due to another family member and is not sick?
In this case, the school will provide work for your child to complete. Due to the class teachers being in class teaching, this will be provided at the next possible opportunity. Until the work is set for your child please use Education City, TTRockstars/Numbots and complete some research about the current topic. The questions on the Knowledge Organisers/Topic Overviews will guide you. You will receive a text message with this information.
Once set, what will the work consist of?
- Children will have 1 Mathematics and 1 English activity per day
- Topic work will be set and the knowledge organisers will help with these tasks
- Daily reading-at least 15 minutes
- Daily on-line learning such as TT Rock Stars or Numbots
What if the class bubble closes down?
- The school will switch to a remote learning environment-Seesaw
- The teachers will liaise with you via Seesaw regarding the learning
- Work will be provided daily following the normal timetable as much as possible
- Work will be submitted for the class teacher to see via Seesaw
- There will be a full range of curriculum subjects
- Attendance will be checked daily and parents contacted if there is little or no engagement with the learning
What might a remote learning day look like?
9:00am RWI/Literacy Lesson
10 am Break and snack
10:30am White Rose Maths lesson
11:00am Physical Activity
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Topic-From Knowledge Organiser
2:00pm ‘Take your pick’ from Education City
3:00pm Individual Reading (self-study)
The curriculum will stay aligned to the normal classroom provision.
Recovery Curriculum 1
Recovery Curriculum 2
Norton Juxta Kempsey CE Primary Remote Education Provision-January 2021
Continuation Of Learning Plan
In the event of a forced school closure for a prolonged period of time, work will be set for the pupils in the following ways:
The teachers will set work for the pupils and publish these tasks on Seesaw.me.
- Children will have 1 Mathematics and 1 English activity per day
- Spellings will also be published
- Topic work will be set and the knowledge organisers will help with these tasks
- Daily reading-at least 15 minutes
- Daily on-line learning such as TT Rock Stars or Numbots
Please encourage you child/ren to access Education City where you will find many programmes and activities to to explore.
FAQ's and responses from Parent Survey:
Is it possible to delete the ‘To do’ list?
The number indicates how many activities have been set and are awaiting a response. This is an important piece of information for pupils and parents and is not able to be switched off.
If you are struggling to keep up with activities please contact your class teacher.
Are there tutorials available to parents?
The link above is just one short tutorial - there many hundreds on the internet and the Seesaw site has a 'help' area for parents too.
Can I log in more than 1 child at a time?
In order to access your child's journal and view their set activities you will need to use their unique code/QR code. These codes are unique for each child in order for their journals and comments to be kept confidential. Therefore you can only log in one child at a time on a device. When your first child has completed their work simply log them out and type in your second child's code to log them in to their account. This also ensures that the correct work is uploaded to the correct child's journal.
If you are lucky enough to own more than one device you can of course sign one child in using one device and another child on to an alternative device.
Why won't the resource open on my device?
Seesaw is compatible with pretty much all devices. However, we have learned that not all devices are compatible or run certain programmes. If your teacher has set an activity or issued a link to something that is not compatible with your device (adobe, flash etc) please let them know as we will avoid these in the future and look for alternatives.