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Norton Juxta Kempsey CofE Primary School

Together, with the love and joy of God, we will discover, develop & maximise our unique potential.

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Ash Class

Welcome to Ash Class page


Summer Term 2024


This term we have lots of fun activities to enjoy.... please keep an eye out for more photos to follow.


The Year 4 residential was absolutely amazing. The children were real stars trying out all of the activities with great enthusisam and encouragement for one another. Well done Ash Class.

Malvern Boundless Outdoors Trip

The children have shown great patience whilst learning to create and stitch their own poisonous dart frogs. 

Poisonous dart frog - sewing

Geography Topic - Rivers

Ash class have been learning about what a river is and the features of rivers.  We went outside and worked in groups to draw chalk rivers and label all of their features correctly.

Science Topic - Teeth and Digestion

The children have loved learning all about their teeth this term and how to keep them healthy.  We kicked off the unit with making playdough models of teeth, along with labelling their names and functions.


We then visited Reception to teach them how to keep their teeth healthy.  The children were excellent teachers!


A few weeks later, we learnt the journey that our food takes through our digestive system and recreated it by making huge posters together!

Tri-Golf Competition

A group of 20 of the class participated in a tri-golf competition in Evesham, against a number of local primary and first schools.  We had 2 teams taking part and NJK team 1 won 3rd place!  

River Severn Homework

Ash Class have blown us away with the amazing homework they have produced about the River Severn.  The quality of the posters and models were fantastic and it was clear to see how much time and effort had gone into them!

Football Event at TDMS

Meet the Teacher Presentation 2023-24
