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Norton Juxta Kempsey CofE Primary School

Together, with the love and joy of God, we will discover, develop & maximise our unique potential.

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Maple Class

Knowledge organisers for Summer 2 Term

Sketching nature

Maple have been making detailed and careful observations to sketch a daffodil. They are very proud of their work; the sketches are beautiful with good observation of shape, composition and shading. 

Maple Daffodil sketches

Narrative Poetry

To start our narrative poetry unit, Maple class read a selection of narrative poems, most of which they were aware of without even realising that they were narrative poems!  They then practised their reading aloud skills by reading out some of the stories to the rest of the class.

Science Trip to Pershore High School

October 2023 - Solar System Models

Maple Parent Information Session 2023
