What happens if my child has special educational needs?
At NJK we work within the graduated response which puts the child and their family at the centre of what we do. We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all our pupils whatever their needs and abilities. All staff seek to raise the achievement, remove barriers to learning and increase physical and curricular access to all. All children with SEND are valued, respected and are equal members of our school.
If school identifies a gap in your child's learning, they will be monitored and assessed by their class teacher. In the first instance, within the classroom, steps will be taken to differentiate the learning opportunities further to aid your child's progress. Parents will be informed by the class teacher of any concerns and the action the school is taking to support your child.
If the gaps cannot be closed by differentiating the curriculum, the class teacher will seek the advice of the SENDCo (Mrs Shoukry) for further assessment and advice. Following school based interventions, which may be delivered in the classroom, one to one or in small groups, it may be necessary to ask for external advice and specific assessments from outside agencies. External support includes Educational Psychologists, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Speech and Language Therapy, Learning Support Specialist, Physiotherapy and or Occupational Therapy. Other external support is available depending on individual needs.
At NJK, working together, with the child at the centre, during all stages of the identification process is important so the class teacher and SENDCo will maintain an open dialogue with parents and permission will always be sought for each external referral.
The assess, plan, do, review runs on a termly basis with mid-point assessments to make sure the provision is supporting the child's learning.
This begins with in school assessment as part of the pupil progress process. During further cycles, external agencies may be involved with specialist assessments.
The parents, teacher, SENDCo and where appropriate the child, meet to discuss targets which have been set for the term.
During this part of the cycle, your child will be involved in interventions and programs that meet their needs. This may require one to one or small group activities outside the classroom.
A review meeting is held with the parents, teacher, SENDCo and where appropriate the child to discuss how the child has progressed with their targets and the impact of their support. It is at this point that a new cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, Review is completed with a new plan which will continue to ensure impact on narrowing the gap.