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Norton Juxta Kempsey CofE Primary School

Together, with the love and joy of God, we will discover, develop & maximise our unique potential.

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Zones of Regulation are used in every classroom linked to the characters from the Inside Out film linked to emotions. Children are invited to place their name next to a certain feeling or emotion with daily check ins happening throughout the day to discuss and monitor how children may feel and ways to support them. 


Worry Monsters and a chance to share worries or concerns are also embedded in classes as a way to relieve any anxieties children maybe experiencing.


In addition to this, Calm Corners/Spaces are in every classroom for children to regulate themselves inline with the schools Behaviour Policy. 


We believe that helping students manage their emotions at school is an extremely important part of learning. This includes:

  • Understanding that there are different emotions
  • Understanding that emotions vary in intensity from mild to strong
  • Understanding that emotions are triggered by thoughts and situations
  • Being able to identify emotions in self and others
  • Being able to express emotions and take steps to cope with all emotions.


For further information:
