Year 1 Homework 31.01.20 - 14.02.20
As the older children have started TT rock stars, we would like to encourage Year 1 children to practice counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. This is a valuable first step for learning multiplication.
Homework has been set on Education City called times tables homework. The activity is a game called 'Don't be shellfish'.
Each child has a password stuck in their home school link book near the front.
If you are experiencing any difficulties or would prefer to encourage your children in a different way you tube has some fun songs counting in 2's, 5's and 10's.
There is no expectation to bring anything into school, but we know some children really enjoy 'showing' their work from home and if your children produce some 'work' they are welcome to do so.
Year 1 homework: 17.01.20 for 2 weeks
Please practise reading 'nonsense' words.
phonicsplay.co.uk website is free and has some really fun games.
Your children will tell you all about the game 'Picnic on Pluto' using Obb & Bob!
You can select a button to practise phase 2 through to 5. Each phase gets progressively harder. We are aiming to read words from phase 5.
If you have any problems accessing the website please contact a member of the year 1 staff.
Year 1 Homework.
We have been using the less than <, more than >, and = symbols in Maths.
Please help your child to complete the sheet that has been sent home today.
To be returned by Friday 13th December please.
Year 1 Homework
This half term we are learning about the weather and different seasons.
Please design a weather chart to record the weather over the next two weeks. You can record the information however you want, be as creative as you like!
Please hand in on Monday 2nd December.
Many thanks
Year 1 team
Year 1 Homework
Please bring in junk modelling to make your house for after half term in a named carrier bag by Monday 4th November.
Year 1 Team
This half term we are looking at materials and talking about properties of objects. Please encourage your child to fill in the sheet in their book bag and discuss what the object is made of.
Please hand in by 11th October.
Thanks Year 1 Team
Homework will be set on a Friday and is due back in school the following Wednesday. Sometimes we will give out a mini project or extended homework and this will take place over several weeks. Also we will be sending out games and other practical activities and we hope that you will keep playing them during the year, as this really supports the recall of number facts and mental maths.
Burglar Bill has stolen some of the displays at the William Morris Museum! We have been asked to find out about William Morris and to create some works of art to replace the stolen artefacts. We would like the children to find out what they can about the influential artist William Morris. What type of art work is he famous for? When was he born? Where did he live? Why was his art work so important? They can present their information any way they like and have 2 weeks to complete this work. HOMEWORK IS DUE IN BY Wednesday 19th June.
Once our works of art are complete we will be holding a pop-up museum to exhibit them to the public before we send them to the museum to (hopefully) go on display! Watch out for an invitation to visit the museum!
Here are examples of some designs by William Morris. Which one do you like the most?
10.5.19 Homework
This week maths activities have been set on Education City based on what the children have been doing in class. Feel free to do as many different/ extra activities as you like, there are a wide variety of activities and games available which the children will enjoy. Some activities are only accessible on a PC but please do not worry if you are unable to do these as we try to ensure that tablet accessible activities are set as well.
3.5.19 Bear Books
This half term our topic is all about bears, in particular bears that feature in books. We would like the children to find books at home that feature bears and bring one of them into share with the rest of the
class. We will be thinking about and discussing how their bear books are similar or different to the stories they are learning about in class and will be completing some written work within school. Please ensure any books that come in are clearly named.
Next week is Tanzania week. What can you find out to tell the class about Tanzania? Where is it? How many people live there? What is the weather like? What type of clothes do they wear? What type of food do they like? What is the capital city? Where is Morogoro?
You can present your information in any way you like.
Rowan Class- Activity One
The children have brought home a healthy living game to play!
Hazel Class- Activity Two
We would like the children to keep a diary noting down everything they eat and drink this week. They might like to illustrate this or use some pictures from a magazine. They should bring their completed diary to school for next Friday (22nd March), when we will discuss them as part of our 'Getting Healthier' topic.
The following week the classes will complete the opposite activity.
This week's homework is linked to our topic 'Getting Healthier' and can be found at https://www.educationcity.com/ Please use your child's personal password to log on, this can be found in the front of their homelink book.
3.03.19 Have fun finding all of the exercise words in this word search. Can you think of any other words that will be useful when we are finding out about 'Getting Healthier?'
15.02.19- this week's homework is to practise the common exception words for the appropriate years group using the 'Look, say, cover, write, check' method described below. Remember these words are tricky and cannot be sounded out!
Please see homework set last week.
We are currently looking at the book "Wanted, The Perfect Pet" by Fiona Robertson. At Forest School on Friday the children got the opportunity to create a picture of their own 'perfect pet' using natural materials. For homework over the next 2 weeks we'd like the children to design/draw/paint/craft/create their own 'perfect pet' and bring it into school by Wednesday 13.02.19 They could also write a short description of their pet; what it likes to eat, where it likes to sleep or what toys it will play with. These pets can be real or imaginary creatures so the children can let their imagination run wild!!
Their perfect pets creations will then be on display at our 'WOW Out Train Journey' in the hall on WEDNESDAY 13th February from 2.15 pm onwards.
This week homework has been set on Education City and your child has been given a username and password which has been put in their home-link book. Navigate to www.educationcity.com and login using these details. Click on the "Homework" tab and you will be able to see the work/ activities set. Some of these activities are desktop and tablet/ phone friendly and some are just for the desktop. Feel free to explore the website and try other games and activities but specific homework tasks, linked to their learning, will be set for homework.
This is the first time we have set homework using this website so please let us know if there are any problems or issues using the site.
It was lovely to see so many of you at the Maths Cafe on Wednesday! This week's homework is to play some of the maths cafe games. If you couldn't come to the Maths Cafe then the games can be downloaded here https://www.themeasuredmom.com/free-single-player-multiplication-bingo-games/ alternatively you could play maths games online.
For example
Don't forget to keep practising counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s. If that's too easy then now try counting in 3s and 4s!
This week we have been creating maps of our school and learning all about the geographical features in our local area, Littleworth. For homework we would like to children to map their journey to school and tell us all about their route and what they see on the way. There are many ways they could do this;
- write it
- draw it
- paint it
- create a model using lego, bricks, playdough or other toys
- create an image/ model outside using natural materials
It would be lovely to see what they create so please send in a photo!
All children in Key Stage 1 need to be able to count in 2's, 5's and 10's. This week we would like the children to focus on practicing these skills at home. There are numerous songs on youtube to help children learn how to count in 2's, 5's and 10's and below are some links to some songs that we have been enjoying in class.
Counting in 2’s
Counting in 5’s
Counting in 10’s
There are many ways in which these skills could be practised at home. Some ideas may include:
- counting pairs of socks or shoes
- counting the number of fingers or toes in a room
- sorting out 2p's, 5p's and 10p's from the change pot
How inventive can you get? Happy counting!
Maths games this week! Children will bring home a game board to play. Have fun!
As part of out newest topic we will be finding out about different aspects of the past and improving our historical enquiry skills by writing letters to our Grandparents (or other suitable relative) to ask them about the toys they played with as children. This week's homework is to address an envelope to the person you are going to write to. You'll need to find out their address, use neat handwriting so that the postman can read it and ask your parents to take you to buy a stamp. KEEP YOUR ENVELOPE AT HOME ready to put your letters in once we have written them at school.
We have been really delighted with the bug hotels you have made! Thank you for all of the photographs sent in as well. Great use of recycled materials; we are certain that some very lucky bugs will be very happy about their cosy new homes!! Well done everyone.
Following our visit to Bishop's Wood we would like to invite you to make a bug box to encourage insects into your garden. Here are links to several different versions that might give you ideas.
Or you might like to make a smaller slightly more 'portable' one to bring into school and place in the school grounds to help encourage insects to make their homes at NJK! Here are some picture to inspire you...
Whatever you make please bring in picture to show us or email them to the school office [email protected]
Have fun!
Next week we are going to Bishop's Wood as part of our science topic. We will be investigating different habitats. We will also be working scientifically. Please can you write down some questions that you would like to find out or investigate about habitats.
Top tips: Think about our question words - Who, What, Where, How, When and Why
Also remember the question mark.
Maths Games
Target 24 - strategy game for 2 players
You can choose to add either 1,2 or 3 in turns and keep a running total. The winner is the person who gets to exactly 24. Can you find a strategy so that you always win?
You can either do all the addition mentally or you can record each number sentence.
For example;
Player a Player b
3 3+2=5
5+3=8 8+1=9
9+2=11 11+3=14
Continue until one of the players reaches 24.
Go Fish - Game for 2 or more players
You need a pack of cards with all the picture cards removed. Deal out the cards and look at the cards in your hand. The aim of the game is to make pairs of cards that total 10. The youngest player goes first and looks at the cards in their hand e.g chooses 2. They ask someone else if they have a particular number card e.g 8 to go with the 2 and make 10 , 2+8=10. If they do, hand it over and place in front of that player. Next player has a turn and the winner is the person with the most pairs of cards that make 10.
Variation: Choose a different total to aim for. Can you work out what different totals you can make with a pack of cards?
We have been learning about animal life cycles. Pick an animal you know well and draw/make their life cycle. Write about your animal for example What does it eat? Where does it live? How do you look after it? You could include illustrations. Return your homework to school by Wednesday 10th October.
KS1 Homework- all children
Following on from our week of inspirational maths, this week we are sending home a puzzle!
You can find out more about the activities we have explored by visiting
Puzzle it out!
Mrs Parton's Maths Group
Finding one more and one less. Worksheet to be returned by Wednesday please. If you do not have a dice please think of numbers to 20 and ask your child to record one more and one less.
The children can also decorate and personalise their brain builders book if they would like.
Mrs Smith's Maths Group
We have been reading and writing two digit numbers. There has been a lot of interesting spellings! Please can you use the word mat to find out which words your child is having trouble with spelling and help them to learn them. If there are a lot of words to learn please focus on three each week and continue with this homework over the term. Then take turns to say a two digit number and write it down in number and words. e.g 32 thirty two You can make this into a game by using dice to generate the digits and the winner is the person who has the biggest number written and spelt correctly. This can be extended to hundreds and thousands. If your child is having difficulty with muddling up teen numbers e.g 12 and 21 you can use bundles of straws to make groups of 10 and individual ones or use the place value cards provided in the homework pack last year.
The children can also decorate and personalise their brain builders book if they would like.