Maundy Thursday Prayer
At 11am on Thursday 9th April NJK will join with other Church of England Schools in the Diocese to pray for our communities and for those who are taking care of of us during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A Prayer for Schools
Loving Lord,
We are able to love because you loved us first.
Please remind us each day how utterly loved we are, so we can show that love to each other.
To the children we care for in our schools.
To the children having to learn from their homes.
To the children who are in need of comfort.
To the teachers and teaching assistants who are bravely still in their classes.
To the teachers and teaching assistants tirelessly preparing home learning.
To the teachers and teaching assistants who are in need of comfort.
To those looking after our school buildings & making sure that our classrooms are clean every day.
To those providing our meals at lunchtime when they could be at home with their families.
To those who are keeping us safe who, themselves, are in need of comfort.
To our headteachers who are doing their very best to lead safely from school.
To our headteachers having to lead from their homes.
To our headteachers who are in need of comfort.
Lord, may we all know your love.
Its breadth, its length, its height, its depth.
A love which never ends. Never runs out. Never fails.
Love which is enough for today and more than enough for tomorrow.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.