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Norton Juxta Kempsey CofE Primary School

Together, with the love and joy of God, we will discover, develop & maximise our unique potential.

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Avonreach Academy Trust Statement

Avonreach Academy Trust Statement Regarding Change of Age Range

It has come to our attention that there are several areas of confusion in the public domain surrounding the Avonreach schools' age range change. The following key points are intended to clarify these:
- our fundamental objective is, and always has been, to give our parents the choice of placing their children through a two-tier approach which we firmly believe will improve their educational outcomes. It was, and is, categorically NOT financially motivated.
- the RSC has granted approval such that our three First Schools will be able to offer year 5 places this September. The only condition stipulated is that
stakeholders attend facilitated meetings to ensure a coordinated implementation,meetings in which AAT will actively participate. No further "plan" or "stakeholder agreement" has been requested.
- the National Curriculum for Years 5 and 6 is specifically designed so that it can
be effectively delivered without specialist teaching or facilities and is done so in thousands of Primary schools across the country
- the agreed admissions policy for Pershore High School that will be in effect for a Year 7 intake (of 90 pupils maximum) in September 2021 will give priority (second only to Looked After Children) to children who will be joining from the three Avonreach First Schools.