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Norton Juxta Kempsey CofE Primary School

Together, with the love and joy of God, we will discover, develop & maximise our unique potential.

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Great News!

Year 5 2019 Parent Presentation

Change of Age Range November Update

Change of Age Range October 2018 Update

Consultation Documents December 2017

Consultation Documents November 2017

Changes to NJK Pupil Admission Number Consultation 2nd November 2017

Academy Conversion Consultation Information 2016 2017

Avonreach Academy Trust Update September 2017


We are really pleased to announce that Norton Juxta Kempsey CE First School became an academy on 1st August 2017 as part of the Avonreach Academy Trust.

Avonreach Academy Trust Update-February 2017


The formation of the Multi Academy Trust (MAT) with our partners (Pershore High
School, Cherry Orchard First School and Inkberrow First School), which will be
called Avonreach Academy Trust, is progressing well.
The joint MAT Working Group is meeting on a two-weekly basis to collectively
progress the required actions and is pleased to report that we have now received DfE
Head teachers Board approval. We expect to receive our Academy Order instructions
from the Department for Education once we have formal approval from the Diocese of
Worcester following their meeting at the end of March. These will grant us
permission to proceed with the formation of the MAT and reaching this stage in the
process has enabled us to engage a firm of specialist solicitors (Browne Jacobson)
to progress the required legal work.
Because of workload at the DfE and delayed Diocese Board Of Education meetings, our
anticipated conversion date is now 1st July. We will keep you informed of progress,
however if you would like to receive any further information regarding the MAT
formation process, please contact the Heads or Chair of Governors.

Consultation to Convert to Academy Status and form a Multi-Academy Trust.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the consultation meetings; your views,
ideas, and feedback were very useful to each of the Governing Bodies.
The Governing Bodies of each school have now met respectively, and each has decided
to proceed with the conversion to Academy Status and to form a Multi-Academy Trust
(MAT) together.
Much behind the scenes work remains to carry out the legal and logistical processes
of conversion and each school will provide regular updates on progress.
Our joint priority is to continue to provide an excellent education for our children
while protecting each school’s role at the heart of our communities and retaining
our unique qualities and strengths.  This is the core principle under which we are
forming this MAT.


MAT Consultation

The Governing Body’s priority is to enable the school to continue to provide an excellent education for our children while protecting the school’s role at the heart of our community and retaining its unique qualities and strengths.

We firmly believe that we can create a MAT that consists of a family of schools working collaboratively, and forging links with parents and the community to achieve the best possible outcomes for the pupils. 

The Governing Body has therefore agreed to consult on joining the Trust with a view to converting to Academy status from 1st February 2017. This consultation is open to all, including parents, pupils, staff, pre-school and the wider community. We want to hear your views and establish if there is any significant objection for the Governing Body to take into account when making its final decision. The consultation period will end on Friday 14th October 2016.

